Eco-Friendly Steamboat, It's Easy!

Steamboat Digs Dogs is dedicated to a more Eco-friendly environment for our dogs and the local wildlife. That is why we are working hard to educate our community on the importance of picking up after our dogs.

The EPA estimates the average dog produces 275 pounds of waste per year. As of 2017, the city of Steamboat Springs had 5,600 registered dogs. That means our community produces approximately 1.5 million pounds of dog waste in a year. Left alone, dog poop pollutes our ground and surface water, our atmosphere, and can transmit parasites and infectious diseases. This creates unsanitary living conditions for people, our dogs and wildlife.

Every dog lover and owner in our community can do their part to help remedy the situation. Encouraging compliance by picking up after our dogs, as well as switching to compostable poop bags, is a great first start. Another great contribution is composting dog waste. Composting is a simple and inexpensive method for disposing dog poop and enhancing our environment.  The process of composting dog waste removes the harmful pathogens, converts to renewable energy and a beneficial soil additive.

The following links are helpful resources for composting dog waste. Please join others in our community and consider composting your dogs’ waste at home.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service guidelines for composting dog waste:

Other resources: